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Online VAT Calulcator

How to calculate VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) calculation includes figuring out the extra expense added to the net price of products or services. Usually, you multiply the net price by the applicable VAT rate to get the VAT amount.

The final price, sometimes referred to as the gross price, inclusive of VAT, is then calculated by adding this resultant VAT amount to the net price. Businesses must comprehend VAT computations in order to appropriately price their goods, keep proper financial records, and guarantee that they are in accordance with tax laws.

Understanding VAT also helps consumers because it allows them to evaluate the breakdown of prices for the products they purchase.

Online free vat calculator



Food and Drinks

Unprocessed food, some beverages, baby food

Books and Media

Books, newspapers, some magazines

Children’s Items

Children’s clothes and shoes, car seats, and more


Goods and services exported outside the EU

Items Included in Zero-Rated VAT

Products and services with a zero-rated tax rate are taxable, but at a zero percent rate.

As the supply is taxable, the provider may recover VAT paid on the expenses of producing the supply, meaning that the client will not be required to pay any VAT at all.

Items Included in Reduced Rate VAT (5%)

In the UK, certain goods and services—a variety of necessities and services—are subject to the 5% Reduced Rate Value Added Tax (VAT). These carefully selected reduced-rate commodities provide financial assistance and support to specific segments of the community, all the while advancing economic and societal benefits.

  • Energy-saving materials

  • Women's sanitary products

  • Mobility aids for the elderly or disabled

  • Some alterations to residential properties

Exclusive and Inclusive VAT calculator

Inclusive & Exclusive VAT

Inclusive VAT

This situation arises when the total price  for a good or service already includes the applicable VAT within the specified amount.

If, for example, a product is advertised or sold for £120 + VAT (20%), then means that £20 of the VAT amount is already included in that total price.

In this instance, the VAT is already included in the price that is published, thus the buyer is not required to calculate or add it separately. The price that is published includes both the VAT amount and the product or service’s net price.

Exclusive VAT

On the other hand, the amount shown denotes the net price before VAT is applied when the price is exclusive of VAT. For instance, if an item is marketed or promoted for £100, VAT excluded, this £100 represents the net price.

The VAT amount must be added to this net price in order to get the total cost that includes the VAT.

Allow Octa Accountants to Manage VAT Registration & Filing

Let Octa Accountants to Handle VAT Registration & Filing highlights the helpful service that Octa Accountants provides to companies looking to simplify their administrative duties associated with VAT.